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The Importance of Newborn Photography

Yes we were on the Newspaper "The Dickinson Press"

Being pregnant, waiting for your baby to be born, it's a moment filled with emotion and happiness for the entire family. During the moments of this beautiful waiting period the entire family tries to imagine how this little one would be, who would he or she look like, what color would his or her eyes be, his or her hair color and texture. During these nine months you talk to your baby so he or she knows we are waiting full of love, knowing that this baby can hear and feel you.

And when your baby is finally here a new kind of adventure starts. You now have a newborn baby in your hands that you can see, feel and touch, a new life that is just starting.

Surely you will experience some worries, smiles, some tears, anxiety, but for sure love beyond measure will be the strongest of all the emotions.

As a mom I remember the moment I met each of my children, the moment when they place your baby on your chest and you get to finally hold your little one for the first time. I remember their skin, eyes, mouth, their smell. During the first month your baby will change. This is a process that we as moms don't always notice until someone else says something like "wow your baby is so big now" or "wow your baby looks so different".

We should all appreciate that newborn stage and look since it last a short period of time, and guess what? If we don't have images to remember those simple details our minds will forget.

That's why Newborn Photography is a "memory treasure," surely you will have cellphone images and maybe a friend or family member may take a photo with a camera but sadly most of those photos get lost, your phone breaks, you never print the images and when you do the quality is low. Yes it happens even with the new fancy Iphones.

To remember that newborn stage there are people like me that study and specialize in how to take professional high quality images that will keep those details alive forever! Every time you look at your images you will remember those lips and little toes. Also printing will be amazing because those details will be so sharp you will be able to feel them again as you did the first time.

While posing newborns babies is something I love, shooting details is what I love the most, because in the end all that matters is that you get those frozen forever in your memory, and when your baby is not longer a baby being able to show them how they looked when they were born is priceless.

Written by Karolina Lym and Tamara Abad

Dickinson ND Newborn Photographer

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